Ciao. Our wedding will be held at Masseria Palesi, a 17th century fortified farmhouse and UNESCO heritage site in the Itria Valley of Puglia, Italy.
It belonged to a prosperous (read: boujie) family who we're told were kind of a big deal on the local farming scene. Not just because of their turrets and tapestries, but because of the banging organic wines produced by their vineyards. (YEAH they'll be at the wedding.)
The site itself contains a Baroque-inspired small palace (now slightly crumbling) and courtyard, along with restored farm buildings that include 'trullis' typical to the Puglia region and a milking shed the size of a small country. Always good to have.
We fell in love with the place when we visited because it felt deep and old and a bit magic. But we can't wait to see how it feels when it's filled with our favourite people.
Masseria Palesi is situated between the towns of Martina Franca, Locorotondo and Alberobello. We're being purposefully coy about sharing pictures of it on this site because we'd love for people to discover it on the day and presume you're all too lazy to Google it anyway.​​​​